So, yes, I've been neglecting this blog. I prefer facebook, frankly. Go there to see moooore updates...
Anyway, I AM in my second winter over here in Japan. It is cold (though not nearly as cold as Iowa). I was fortunate enough to have been able to go back to the USA for xmas and let me tell you, it was AWESOME! I love the US. Maybe for the wrong reasons... namely the greasy, greasy food... secondly the price of things compared to Japan, but in the good category was definitely friends and family.
As for Japan, my house is uninsulated and I use a kerosene space heater to combat the cold. This year I also purchased a 2nd hand electric carpet that I sit on and play video game and eat chocolate.
This is my alarm clock, which happens to also have a thermometer in it. I wasn't aware of the thermometer when I bought it, but now it is a painful reminder every morning just how cold my house is. Here it is 2 C inside!! That's 35 F!! My shower has already frozen 3 times (my fault for not leaving it dripping, but I forgot).
While this is true for most roads, it is not true for my driveway. My driveway is really, really steep and long. Plus it's in the shade, so it takes a LONG time to melt.
This is my car parked at the bottom of my hill. I went to school with chains and it warmed up, so I took them off before returning on the clear road. I figured I would be able to ascend the hill, but I was wrong, so I had to park at the bottom and walk the 1/4 mile to my house. lame
All this snow, however, does have it's advantages... One night I came home at 11:30 pm and failed yet again to ascend my hill. On the hill this time, however, were a bunch of lights and people. Needless to say I was surprised! I live in the MIDDLE. OF. NOWHERE. I never see anyone out here and here were a bunch of people filming and snowboarding on a handrail by the old, abandoned school. Turns out, they skateboard too and know some of my skater friends in Kumamoto City. Small world.
Winter also means that it's my birthday! This year I turned 28 and my friends had a nice party for me. I've got some nice friends! Thanks for the cake!
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