Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yeah... so... so, I completely skipped January...

So, yes, I completely skipped the month of January with my posts... so, what have I been up to???

I brought in the new year...

I turned 27 years old...

I crashed my car into a guardrail...

I woke up and my house we 34 F inside...

I rode the tallest Ferris Wheel in Kyushu...

I prayed to the Valentine's Shinto Shrine... yes... you heard me right!

and yes... once again... I ate raw chicken :(

Other things to note:
I finally conquered Rubik's wretched cube...
My rice cooker that broke a while back started working again...
I attribute the resurrection of the rice cooker to my celebration of Setsubu (the Japanese equivalent of Halloween- where you scatter beans outside your house to fend off evil spirits and eat one bean for every year you are old. I didn't count how many I ate, but I did throw one on the ground in front of my house).
And, of course, I studied Japanese.

A lot happened, but not really. I'm mostly just lazy because it's cold out right now. Maybe when I thaw this spring I'll keep a better eye on the blog. Sorry...

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